GYROTONIC® movement at Bodyscape will bring renewed life to your sport and daily activities with its 3-dimensional, circular and whole-body balancing effect

What Makes GYROTONIC® Exercise Unique?

  • The GYROTONIC® Expansion System is an exercise training method for your whole body and mind. A GYROTONIC® workout simulates your natural day to day organic, multi-dimensional movements that include bending, extending, rotating, weight shifting and changing levels.
  • Most sports have a rotational power component which benefits greatly from GYROTONIC® sessions. That is why GYROTONIC® trained athletes improve their sport specific abilities (e.g. dancers, tennis and pickleball players, golfers, etc).
  • Anyone can enjoy GYROTONIC® exercise! Physical therapy patients, seniors, weekend warriors, and professional athletes. Even if you have chronic injuries, joint replacements or special conditions like MS or Parkinson’s. It’s highly modifiable so that you can do it, no matter your ability level.

What Can You Expect from GYROTONIC® Sessions at Bodyscape?

  • Your entire spine will experience a natural fluidity of movement with arching, curling and rotational movements combined with specific breathing patterns, which in turn has a balancing effect through your hips, legs, arms and even your hands and feet.
  • After a GYROTONIC® session you will feel taller, longer and like you’ve had an internal massage! By the end of each session, you will feel “worked out” in a good way, taller, stronger, more mobile, and confident. More like the YOU you’ve been searching for.
  • Practicing every week will greatly improve your posture by lengthening your spine, strengthening your core and opening up your upper body.
  • The GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower will stretch your muscles and open up compressed tight areas so you can move your joints through their full ranges. This counteracts the forward pull of using computers and smart-phones.
  • At Bodyscape, you’ll work with GYROTONIC® teachers who’ve been certified by a rigorous, and comprehensive training program. Your session will be tailored to your needs every time you come in! Any special concerns or goals will be discussed with your teacher each session, to be sure you have the best movement experience possible.
GYROTONIC® is a registered trademark of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and is used with their permission.

GYROTONIC® Movement Has Something for Everyone

Ready to Get Moving?