General FAQ

  • Yes. There are 10 designated parking spots for Bodyscape Integrative Physical Therapy in the front and sides of the building. You will find they are marked “Bodyscape PT” on the ground. There are further non-designated parkings spaces in the same lot that you may park in.
  • There are 2 handicapped parking spaces with designated additional space next to them for wheelchair ramps and other needs. These spots are also near ramps for accessibility to our building. There are further handicapped spaces near the adjacent buildings with ramp access.

Yes, we have two handicapped parking spaces with designated additional space next to them for wheelchair ramps and other needs. These spots are also near ramps for accessibility to our building. There are further handicapped spaces near the adjacent buildings with ramp access.

There are ramps on either side of our entrance. We are located on the ground floor of the building.

In most cases your health insurance will cover all or a portion of your physical therapy treatments.  There may be out of pocket expenses (such as co-payments or deductibles) that you may be required to pay, which is determined by your insurance provider.  

If you do not have insurance coverage or are out of network, you can pay for treatment directly Out of Pocket.  Contact us to discuss your financial options.

Insurance does not cover non-physical therapy services such as Pilates personal training.

For physical therapy please wear loose comfortable clothing, in which we can easily assess your body. Your first appointment will include a comprehensive examination and evaluation.

For pilates, GYROTONIC® and Alexander technique you should wear snug, comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movement.

Physical Therapy FAQ

Please call Bodyscape Integrative Physical Therapy at (626)449-3900 to set up an appointment.

During your first visit, you will participate in a comprehensive one-on-one evaluation, which includes a conversation with your physical therapist regarding your medical history, current complaints/condition, symptoms, activity limitations, goals, and more. This visit will further include examination, tests and measures, assessment, diagnosis, development of a plan of care, education in condition and evaluation findings, and treatment.

Yourself! We look forward to working with you.

Documents to bring: Health Insurance Card(s), Physician’s prescription for Physical Therapy, List of current medications, Imaging results (i.e. X-ray, MRI)

Your insurance co-pay, if required

Please arrive 15 minutes before your first scheduled appointment.

Please print and bring with you the following forms

Please wear loose comfortable clothing, in which we can easily assess your body. Your first appointment will include a comprehensive examination and evaluation.

A typical appointment/session, evaluation and follow up visits, will last 1 hour.

The frequency of your physical therapy appointments will be determined by you and your physical therapist at your initial evaluation.

We are in-network with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. We accept most PPO insurance and Medicare. Unfortunately, we do not accept HMO or Medi-Cal, even when used as secondary insurance.

If your care is not covered by insurance at our facility, you may opt to self-pay for our skilled physical therapy services. 

Please contact us at (626)449-3900. We can pre-authorize your participation in physical therapy and get back to you regarding your benefits and co-pay, if applicable, as soon as we can.

If you have a high deductible or are on a tight budget, we offer cash pay which in many cases is cheaper than paying what insurance requires. We also can arrange payment plans.

Know that your schedule is based upon your availability.  The length of time for your HEP daily is based upon how much you’re willing to do.  If it’s 10 minutes/day, then that’s what you’re given.  We want to make it work.

Depending on your insurance, you may need a prescription for physical therapy from your doctor in order to have the care covered by your insurance.

Otherwise, California state allows for Direct Access, which means you can participate in physical therapy for 45 days or 12 visits (whichever comes first) before you need a prescription from a doctor.

Your treatment will be customized to fit your needs.
It may include (but is not limited to):

  • Therapeutic exercise (i.e. strengthening, stretching, conditioning, range of motion, breathing exercises)
  • Neuromuscular Re-education (i.e. movement patterning, proprioceptive training, body mechanics training, motor control training, coordination training, functional training, muscle energy techniques, relaxation training, postural awareness training)
  • Manual therapy
  • Gait training
  • Balance training
  • Movement strategies education and training
  • Patient Education (i.e. pain education, education on condition, injury prevention)
  • Instruction in a Home Exercise Program

At Bodyscape, we also integrate Pilates, GYROTONIC® Exercise, Yoga, and other movement techniques as appropriate for your condition.

GYROTONIC® pulley towers, Pilates reformer, cadillac, wunda chair, other Pilates equipment (i.e. Pilates magic circle, Pilates Spine corrector), elliptical, recumbent stationary bicycle, and high-low tables. We have both private treatment rooms and larger gym spaces. We also have other tools, such as, physioballs, foam rollers, yoga blocks, resistance bands/tubes, weights, agility ladder, assistive devices (i.e. cane, rollator walker), and more.

Yes, when possible, we work to schedule you with the same physical therapist for improved follow up with understanding your condition and progress.

If you availability does not match a single physical therapist’s schedule, you may see more than one therapist.  In this case, our physical therapists will be in direct communication with one another to keep one another updated regarding your condition.

In healthcare today, there are some forms we will need you to fill out for your first appointment.

Just click on “View Forms” below to view and print them out.

Pilates FAQ

Yes! Although you should always consult your doctor before starting any exercise program, Pilates develops core strength, balance and symmetry in areas of the body that may have become misaligned due to an injury. A focus on postural awareness helps you relieve stress from your back.

Our certified instructors are trained in injury rehabilitation and prevention, and they have the added benefit of on-site physical therapists to consult when needed.

We are focused on resolving your injuries safely while improving your whole body fitness.

Possibly. While the goal of Pilates is overall body conditioning rather than muscle fatigue and exhaustion, what you feel after your session will depend on your body awareness and level of fitness.

While you may feel some soreness as your body adapts to new patterns of movement, you won’t experience debilitating soreness. Pilates will make you feel energized!

Pilates can help you achieve your weight loss goals, especially as you become more experienced. Beginners will move slower to learn the proper form and techniques to safely perform the more advanced exercises. As you become more advanced, the movements flow without stopping which provides a more aerobic workout.

No, remember it’s named after the man who created it, Joseph Pilates! Many elite, male athletes have used Pilates to improve their sports performance – LeBron James, Tiger Woods, NBA’s Orlando Magic and Washington Wizards, MLB’s Milwaukee Brewers and the NFL’s Detroit Lions, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Green Bay Packers, to name a few 😉

Joseph was inspired by both eastern and western philosophies while developing his method, so there are similarities between Pilates and yoga. Both methods focus on breath, core movement and connecting the body, mind and spirit. But Pilates is definitely exercise, focusing on dynamic movement rather than stillness.

You should wear snug, comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movement.

Joseph developed and refined his various apparatus over many years, and this unique equipment helps provide an exercise experience like none you’ve ever done before. With an extensive repertoire of over 500 exercises for the Cadillac, the Reformer and the Wunda Chair, you’ll never be bored! The equipment is very safe when you’re learning how to use it properly with our certified, professional instructors.


A GYROTONIC® workout is done on specialized equipment that uses a pulley system to create circular, 3-dimensional, smooth, continuous motions with varied resistance. This eliminates any jarring at the beginning and end of an exercise reducing the potential for injury. GYROTONIC® exercise is a whole body system focusing not only on your muscles but on your fascial, musculoskeletal and nervous systems as well as your energetic body for a holistic benefit.
Bodyscape trainers have personal experience in sports and performing arts including dance and tennis/pickleball and practice the GYROTONIC® method themselves! Our trainers have undergone specialized training courses for applications of the GYROTONIC® exercise method for athletic conditioning, scoliosis, golf and more.
GYROTONIC® exercise is extremely beneficial to those with joint replacements. In fact, we use GYROTONIC® protocols that have been specifically designed for hip and knee replacement clients for both pre- and post-surgery.
Absolutely! We have a specific GYROTONIC® program for clients with osteoporosis that emphasizes low back and hip strength AND includes balance movements for fall prevention.

We are working on restarting our group classes at Bodyscape, that have been on hold due to COVID-19.  

Bodyscape features three GYROTONIC® Pulley Towers so small groups can enjoy GYROTONIC® exercise together in a fun and safe setting. Classes include fundamental GYROTONIC® movements along with targeted work each week on key areas like low back, hips, upper body openings and standing work to improve balance and endurance.

Alexander Technique FAQ

We all have ingrained habits we’re not aware of, especially when we stand, walk, bend, drive, use computers/smartphones and even talk! The Technique teaches you how to stop habitual patterns which aren’t useful. You’ll become aware of your own unique habits of unnecessary muscular tension or collapse. Undoing these patterns provides the opportunity for something new to occur: natural movement and spontaneity.

  • Pain relief
    A leading contributing factor of musculoskeletal pain (and often its underlying cause) is unrecognized patterns of excess tension.  We tend to respond to pain by tensing further, which exacerbates discomfort.  Because it teaches how to recognize and unlearn these habitual holdings, the Alexander Technique is known for its effectiveness in relieving neck, back and joint pain for the long-term.
  • Improved ability to deal with stress
    By teaching how to respond to any “stimulus” with less tension, the Alexander Technique enables you to better handle life’s stresses.

We suggest you start with our Alexander Technique Introductory Package of 3 Private Lessons. Most beginning students will continue their studies one-on-one for 10 to 20 lessons. We also have an Alexander Technique Group Class on Saturdays at 11 am where you build on your foundational skills in a fun and supportive environment.

  • Repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic back pain, headaches and stress-related disorders are common computer issues. While changes to your workstation can improve ergonomics, the Alexander Technique teaches you how to use your body comfortably even when your set-up is not ideal.   You learn how to:
    • Sit upright without strain
    • Prevent spinal compression and muscular tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back
    • Reduce pressure on the keyboard and mouse to relieve stress on the wrist and prevent carpal tunnel injury
    • Become more aware of your body’s signals and signs of distress so you can relieve tension before it escalates to pain
    • Breathe properly to prevent fatigue and calm the nervous system
    • Restore balance – during and after work

Proper form and degree of muscular tension are as important as how strenuously or how frequently you exercise. With the Alexander Technique you gain the skills to move with ease and prevent pain while you improve breathing, balance, posture and endurance. Together you and your instructor explore how to solve particular movement problems to optimize your performance. Learning principles of efficient movement enables you to improve overall performance and prevent injury.

  • Singers, dancers, actors and musicians study the Alexander Technique to gain a highly refined sensory awareness, a greater range of expression and enhanced stage presence. Study of the Alexander Technique enables sharper focus, efficient use of energy, improved balance and coordination and an inner sense of calm.
  • Universities, orchestras, theater companies, and performing arts groups worldwide  include the Alexander Technique in curricula and skill development including The Juilliard School, New England Conservatory of Music, UCLA and USC School of Theater, Film and Television, Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and the Royal Shakespeare Company.
  • Notable performers who have studied the Alexander Technique include: Dame Judi Dench, Sir Ben Kingsley, Julie Andrews, William Hurt, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones, Paul McCartney, Kelly McGillis, Lupita Nyong’o, Benedict Cumberbatch, Hilary Swank, Annette Bening, Patti Lupone, Paul Newman, Sting, Maggie Smith, Mary Steenburgen, and Robin Williams.