Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique at Bodyscape will improve your posture, ease of movement, reduce stress and relieve chronic aches and pains

Try a Series of Alexander Technique Lessons!

What will you experience in Alexander Lessons at Bodyscape?

  • You’ll learn how to move and coordinate your body with less stress and strain.
  • You’ll discover how to let go of “the unnecessary” so your innate balanced posture is restored.
  • During a lesson, you’ll receive verbal and hands-on guidance to explore how and where you’re interfering with natural movement and breathing patterns.
  • You can apply what you learn to sports, public speaking, music/dance/acting performances, or simply figure out how to chop vegetables without hurting your back!
  • Lessons include lying on a table where you experience gentle hands-on movements by an instructor to release tight, chronically held areas and calm your nervous system.

The Alexander Technique has a long history of helping performing artists perform with less stress and anxiety.

The Technique has been scientifically studied, demonstrating its use and benefits for back and neck pain, repetitive stress injuries and Parkinson’s Disease to name just a few.

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